footprints on my heart | Miami FL, Photographer

Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself 
and know that everything in this life has a purpose.

                                                Elisabeth Kubler-Ross 

I sometimes fear that i will forget everything... they grow so fast. I want to keep all the things, the smiles, their big bright beautiful eyes, the way they look at me, the sweet smell of my baby's mouth, their first's. I take pictures every single day, maybe I'm trying to make the time stop... or treasuring moments. But some days like today. I remember that they live deep inside my heart, that we are one, that everything change. That it doesn't mater if they grow, if I forget somethings... I will always love them, their roots grow from me, I am the earth. And I hope for a fearless life... someday.

love and light 



  1. me encantan sus pies de avatar!

  2. this really touched my heart <3

  3. the sweetness will never leave, breathe in, breathe out

  4. @Janiz, thank you my dear friend <3 xoxo @geavenus Nananina, ya te puedes subscribir :) @wondermommas <3 I hope yo see you soon!

  5. Took me a while to be able to write here!!! After a huge effort, I am able to do so..... my love, my heart, my soul... complete me, is here in every corner, in every pixel, which are not pixels but they present themself as pixels, they are drops of live. Love with all my drops. H.

  6. @H And I love you with all my heart <3

  7. me encanta leer este de vez en cuando. Ross


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